How to Help Prevent Discrimination (Arguement #2)

All the people in the junior class do not understand the effects of discrimination; we need to start acting like we care and do things that will have positive effects on discrimination. Some ways that we could show people that discrimination is we can go out and show stories and videos on social media sites, they will understand. What do you benefit from calling people offensive terms, nothing. For some people, they do this because maybe their lifes at home are bad or they were bullied when they were younger, but that’s no reason to do it to others.

We all have different color skins, but this dosen’t mean that we need to discriminate each other because of thay. We all deserve the same opportunities and should not be discriminated, you need to go out and see how kids treat each because it’s not what God intended. What would the world be like without discrimination? Think about it might be hard to understand, but this would change the world for good and help everyone in a positive way.

Just how Michael Brown was killed just because of the way he looked. These are the things we need to stop. Michael Brown diden’t deserve what happened to him. This affected the Brown’s family lifes forever. Their son did not deserve this.

Quote from “What’s in a Name”

My quote from this article is “Dosen’t he know your name, Daddy? Why don’t you tell him your name? Your name isn’t George.”

I chose this quote because I like the way that kids look at the world. He knows that his father should be called by his proper name. Childern don’t dicriminate against other races. I agree with this quote; meaning that I agree with the son in this story. The reason this quote stood out to me is because it is from a child perspective and he understands what he talking about. Something I can relate this quote to is how in the 19th and 20th centuries when there was segregation black and white childern would try and play together. Their parents woulden’t let them which makes no sense what so ever. They do it because they are racist!

Best Question

These are some of the questions that I have developed over the past few weeks:
1. Why do people discriminate against each other?
Because they believe that the color of your skin says who you are.
2. What can we do to prevent racism?
3. Would there be the same effect if a black cop shot a white civilian?
The effect would be less critical.
4. Would this ever happen in Austin, TX?
Yes, and it probably has occured.
5. If so, how would it occur?
6. What effects does this have on African American families in the United States?
7. What effects does this have on Treyvon Martin’s family?
8. Would people be reacting the way they are if the Treyvon Martin incedent never happened?
I don’t think that people would be reacting like this.
9. Has anyone you know ever been hurt by racsim?
10. Does United States have the most racism?

The numbers that could be good topics for further research would be 2, 3, and 6. The reason is because I can go in depth and research a lot more details about that topic.

Problem in society

One of the problems occcuring in society is being sexist. This is something we need to address, there is no reason why women should not have the same rights as men. Women equality is something that has actually improved in the past generation which is a start. Discrimination against women occurs in many places, an example would be how people think that women can not handle being alone somewhere by themselves. Society thinks that they will be sexually abused/harrased, or even raped, but they can handle themselves just fine. A way that we could solve this problem is we can give women equal opportunities that men have and this problem will potentially stop.