Uncle Tom’s Cabin #4

This book has pulled me in and even though it’s a pretty long book I don’t really care. I don’t want this book to end. I am only a little more then half way done with the book and I’m already out of my seat with the gruesome and unexplainable passages that were told in that story. There we some stories that just made me not want to read anymore just as much as it pulled me in… I can’t bare to think about the things they did to those poor human beings. They didn’t deserve what they got and show have been treated equally. One of the stories I read was so terrible, not because it was physical, but because of the mental abuse this little negro girl received. The white men were all seeing her so called “talents” so they’d see who would buy her and a man said he liked her so he went along and proceeded with the purchase. Whilein the process he thinks to himself for a minute and realizes that he doesn’t want her so the salesman takes her away on the journey to mind another master. She was just being looked on as a object instead of a human which destroyed me on the inside because no one deserves to be treated like that.

Editorial post #4

In a Los Angeles Times editorial by the Times Editorial Board explains a situation in California that needs fixing. They start off by talking about how the governor of California has a 169 billion dollar budget this year and despite that, still has billions of dollars in debt. The Times Editorial Board goes on to explain how we could efficiently spend this money to metaphorically speaking “flipping the budget board. Then, they go on to talk about how they should raise the state taxes so it can account to the states general fund, however if they do end up doing that it will anger the citizens of California and drive people out of the state. The things that should happen is when the tax revenue has some left over they will be planning on giving it to the schools and community colleges. I believe this is unfair because it is not enough money to keep the schools in good shape financially.

Editorial post #3

Frank Bruni, from The New York Times opinionated section says “Hillary is winning”. By this, he means that Hillary Clinton is almost invincible and will have no problem in winning the next election. He says that she came into the last election “showing fatal weakness in California” and now she is well prepared and ready for the battle. He says that she is also “winning” because of the confidence and image she sets for herself so it makes her look like the stronger candidate even though she is a women and the wife of a former president that was almost impeached in his first term. Bruni goes on for another paragraph or two speaking on behalf of Hillary Clinton and giving her the upper hand on the election.

Editorial post #1

Nicholas Kristof from New York Times expresses an opinion on how inequality is a choice. In Kristof’s editorial he quotes Lloyd Blankfein when he says “we treat is as a natural disaster”. This quote really has a lot of power to because of the context it is being used in. He wants people to understand that inequality can be controlled  by any person and is not being forced on to anyone. He finishes his essay by asking what would happen if we made inequality a priority and how to make it happen.