Satirical Article

“Do you wanna lose weight fast!?” If you don’t eat organic then you’ll become obese. Most consumers don’t wanna buy organic foods because “It’s too expensive” or “I don’t have time to make food”. These are not the reasons to not eat organic. I’ve lost 2 pounds in almost 3 months of eating organic and I feel better than ever.

This world is becoming an obese place, revolved around eating foods that are not organic. We interview Tommy Billington, and asked him how much organic food he ate and he said that he never at organic. We were worried that this man wasn’t getting the right organic nutrients needed to live a healthy life. We told Tommy Billington to start eating more organic food and he said that he was going to start. Tommy Billington went to the store and bought some organic foods; he bought organic carrots, broccoli, apples, pears, and cucumbers. He was so happy that he was living healthy and his total at the grocery store was only 150 dollars for all those vegetables. We were so glad to help Tommy Billington live a healthy life. Dr. Stewart from the University of Texas at Austin says “Organic food is the only key to a healthy diet. It has proteins and enzymes that will make you stay healthy and never gain weight.”

Tommy Billington already has lost a whopping 0.4 pounds in the last 7 weeks and is feeling great. Without doing what we say, this could have never happened. This is the reason that we need to start eating organic and not go with that normal food.

3 thoughts on “Satirical Article

  1. You’re target is clearly expressed and it is easy to see what you are poking fun at. The target audience are those who strongly believe that spending huge amount of money on organic food is necessary for your health. I like that you created a figurative interview, making the satire more believable. This article was actually kind of funny and I’d say I agree with it to some degree. To make you’re article even funnier, you could completely exaggerate Tommy’s excitement for spending a lot of money for little results.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Is your target highschool students without a “bae”. I like how you’re laughing at people that care about having a boyfriend or girlfriend. I like the way you use the irony, to make your point even stronger. Are you hoping for me to realize that you don’t need a “bae” to be happy, because if it is then you’re right on point. This article works for me. You should add fake research to make your article look more believable.


  3. Hani, awesome start. Your article takes the tone of a real news article, which is exactly what you guys are trying to achieve in your satirical articles. Your target is clear (people who are indulging in the “organic” fad) and the folly is clear (the price and debatable “huge results” that organic foods offer). By crafting these things well, you’ve made your purpose clear, too (to poke fun at how far people will go to be “healthier”).

    I like Casey’s idea of elaborating more on the price of the food, because that’s a big folly of the whole “organic only” diet — it’ll cost you every penny you own! You could elaborate more on the price of the food, and include some of the other follies of the fad as well. You started touching on the “massive” amounts of weight Tommy lost, which is another great point to include in your article. What are some other silly things about the organic diet? How can you include those too? I think once you elaborate on some more of these things in your revised edition, your article is going to come out really, really strong. It sheds light on the ridiculousness of this new fad in a way that is really subtle, which is the perfect example of how a satirical article should work.

    Great work so far. Really looking forward to your finished product!

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